About Us
About Us
Do any job right the first time.
Quality driven by pride is what drives everyone at Cahoj Earthmoving, Inc
Cahoj Earthmoving, Inc. started as most companies do….with a dream. In 1958, Greg and his father would watch the oilfield workers use bulldozers to create access roads and drill sites on the family farm. At the age of five, Greg knew that when he grew up he wanted to play in the dirt.
Greg started Cahoj Earthmoving, Inc. in 1980. Since that time he has built this business to handle any kind of excavating or demolition job, you can think of. With a creative mind, mechanical know-how and a drive to ensure that his customers are happy, Greg and his team can find a solution for any project. Over the course of time, the equipment has changed, technology has advanced and industry standards have evolved. One thing that remains a constant is Cahoj Earthmoving, Inc.’s commitment to quality.

Contact us
13031 Hwy 25 PO Box 174 Atwood, KS 67730
Opening hours
Mon to Fri:
9 AM - 5 PM
Sat & Sun:
Office: 785-626-9927
Cell: 785-513-1390